Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Well, a busy orientation week at ISB combined with some food poisoning has kept me away from this blog... Minus the ill health, this week has been very interesting. Its been fascinating meeting a new set of 295 souls, as passionate about ISB, if not more. I was seriously apprehensive when ISB's fee was raised. I thought it would influence the applicant quality. While I still believe it did, the incoming class of 05 has surprised all of us in terms of quality, credentials and maturity. I personally have been meeting a lot of these guys over the past one week and the I have been pleasantly surprised by what I have seen. It has left not only me but all of us from the class of 04, pretty satisfied that ISB now has a set of people who will help it take the next big leap towards becoming a world class educational institution.

More from me once I recover completely. Until then, lets bask in the glory of India's triumph. Saurav and boys, way to go!