Thursday, May 13, 2004

The first one week at Verizon has been a mixed bag. Without going into too many details, let me just say that I faced some intriguing issues and people that I had to handle. Its been interesting and challenging. I am a freshly minted MBA in an environment that is not totally used to such people. So, I disturb the mindset of many people who are set to one way of working. Handling all of that, finding your feet, getting to know the company and defining your own rsponsibilities in such an environment has been, to be frank, a little too challenging for me in just the first week. But thats probably because I did not anticipate this. I was subconsciously looking for a cushy and planned orientation, considering myself to be the blue eyed boy who needs a bit of little hand holding before being allowed to go out and win the world. At least on one occasion, I took a break and told myself, "Welcome to the corporate world", though I am not sure if I said that for any reason other than it being a situationally appropriate cliche.

Ok, thats the state of mind I am in as I go into my first weekend. I look forward to these two days when I recount the week gone by, regroup and plan out my next week. I hope to catch atleast a couple of movies in between and of course, meet some other friends from ISB who have joined work recently in chennai. All you people, have a great weekend and keep smiling :)