Thursday, March 18, 2004

Today is the last day of classes at ISB for me. Its 2:40 pm now and in another 2 hours, I will attend my last class. The first class we attended, our first case discussion during the take charge module at the beginning of the year is still fresh in my memory. I cruel aspect of a one year MBA is that time flies and you realize very soon that you are at the end of it all... too soon for comfort. I have one good photograph of me in the class to cherish.

Of course, there are a lot of such last times that are going by very quickly for me. My last class together with a few close friends. Last project report. Last mid term exam. Last assignment. Last class participation. Hmmm... looks like if I start getting senti, there is no limit.

I saw the movie "12 angry men" late last night. I had seen snippets from it during the negotiation analysis course. I saw the whole movie this time. Brilliant. If anyone gets a chance, see how one room and 12 men are enough for a talented director to create a gripping movie. Prof.Madan Pilutla had extracted concepts in negotiation from scenes in this movie which was a revelation. Had never looked at a movie from that perspective before.

I think I have become a bit too used to the pleasant weather that hyd holds out for you for most of the year. The heat wave is on now and although I am from chennai, I am simply not able to bear the heat. For all those visiting hyd, I recommend umbrellas, caps, airconditioning, anything that can keep you cool...

Check out I belong to the liberitarian left. Not surpised at all! I always thought I was like that ;)

Countdown to graduation: 9 days to go.